January 16 → February 05 2021

Online Survey

Opportunity for residents and roadway users in the area to provide input on multi-modal traffic issues in the study area and provide comments on the proposed plan.

January 28 2021

Planning Commission Discussion (6:00 PM)

Discussing three spot safety improvements with Planning Commission, of which American Boulevard is one.

February 08 2021

City Council Public Hearing (6:00 PM)

City Staff will present the results of the traffic study, including the study objectives, identified traffic safety concerns, and recommended safety improvements.  Residents will have an opportunity to provide comments about the proposed project directly to the City Council during the public hearing portion of the item.  The City Council will be requested to approve the proposed traffic safety improvements for implementation in the 2021-102 Pavement Management Program Overlay project. 

February 22 2021

City Council Meeting - Public Comment on the Agenda Item (6:00 pm meeting start time)

We apologize for the mistake that happened at the February 8 meeting that made it so the public could not comment on this item.  This Council item has been formally continued to the February 22 meeting and the public will be given the opportunity to provide comments, at that time.