2024 Community Mental Health Survey

Public Health is conducting a community health assessment (CHA) focused on mental health. We've developed this survey to identify both barriers and resources. The information gathered will be used to develop strategies to improve the health and well-being of communities.

0% answered

Tennessen Advisory

The Community Mental Health Survey is being conducted by the City of Bloomington's Public Health Division, which serves the cities of Bloomington, Edina, and Richfield. The survey will ask about mental health barriers as well as the resources and support needed to improve mental health and well-being. Your participation is voluntary. Your individual responses are kept private and are only accessible to City staff working on this project. Survey data will be analyzed and reported without being linked to any specific person. There are no negative consequences for not participating in this survey. The information collected will be used to improve services and programs by city and county staff, as well as partner organizations, including health care partners, schools, and non-profit agencies that serve our community

By continuing with this survey, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this notice.