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A place of solitude inspired by nature

In the fall of 2021, when I was 52 years of age, I was on a solo walk through Moir Park down to the Minnesota River and back and for the first time in my life, I had the pleasure of seeing an owl in the wild. It was a moment I will never forget. Just me and the owl alone in the woods of this unique and treasured gem of a park right in the city of Bloomington. I couldn't even believe what I was seeing. I thought to myself how incredilbly lucky it is that I live near such a beautiful and natural place where I can go and have experiences like this.

I've lived in Bloomington, just a 1/2 mile from the park for the past 24 years. Trips into the natural beauty of this park are a regular experience in all seasons for me, my husband and my two daughters who have been enjoying all that nature and the woods and the creek have to offer since they were babies!!

We enjoy the fall colors, quiet strolls to talk and bond as a family and treks to make first tracks in freshly fallen snow on early morning winter adventures. My girls have dipped their toes in the water of the creek too many times to remember and leap frogged on the rocks and thrown sticks to see how fast they float away.

Our entire neighborhood of moms have taken adventure trips into the park to hike and explore and just let the kids be kids! The blissful solitude of the park which is not interrupted with bikers has been a constant draw for us parents who want to share the natural world with our kids so they can learn to appreciate "screen-free" experiences and develop appreciation for the earth that we all share.

I believe that the park was created for walkers only for a reason and that the essential beauty and quiet atmosphere is to be valued just the same today as it was back then. Bloomington would be preserving something special for future generations. There are plenty of bike trails available for those who want to experience recreation on two wheels. I myself love to bike! But, when I want to get up close to nature and be quiet and breathe in the essence of the woods my first "go to" is Moir Park. Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall - the season doesn't matter. The park is great in different ways in each season. Let's keep in that way and be proud that we've preserved a smaill area where folks can be immersed in the natural world.

It literally breaks my heart to think that the City of Bloomington would intentionally alter the park and add pavement that would forever affect the ecosystem. Please keep Moir Park preserved for walkers only.

Kellie Gunderman

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