Park System Master Plan

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Park System Master Plan Approved!

The City of Bloomington initiated the process of developing a new Park System Master Plan in November 2019. With extensive and invaluable assistance from consultants, City staff and most importantly, the community, the plan is now complete. At its August 30, 2021 meeting, the Bloomington City Council formally adopted the Park System Master Plan.

The process was purposeful and robust, capturing the voices of Bloomington residents while completing several studies to understand how Bloomington can provide new park amenities and experiences. Natural resources, trails, new park amenities and equity are priority themes that will be addressed with the new Plan.

Community Input Doesn't End Here

Adoption of the plan doesn't mean community involvement and participation in park projects is now over. The Park System Master Plan is just that, a master plan. As new park projects are considered and individual park plans are developed, hearing from the community will be a necessity.

The Park System Master Plan, as adopted, provides us with a clear action plan and guidance for improvements to Bloomington's parks, trails, facilities, recreational programs and green spaces. And the continued involvement of the community ensures its successful implementation.

What is the Park System Master Plan?

The Park System Master Plan (PSMP) is a road map for planning and completing park improvements and guiding capital investments to ensure the park system serves the needs of the community today and in the future. The PSMP process incorporates:

  • Local and national park and recreation trends
  • Community demographics
  • Facility needs
  • Current and future programming needs
  • Maintenance
  • Long term sustainability
  • Equity and inclusion
  • Information gathered from the community

The extensive community engagement process between November 2019 and June 2021, which included a statistically valid survey, stakeholder interviews, listening sessions, conversations with residents and staff, and online interactive engagement via project bloom! and the City’s Let’s Talk Bloomington site, has shaped the final Plan. Through studies and analysis we learned the following:

  • Our parks are substantially similar
  • Our parks have outdated amenities
  • Our parks do not match current resident demographics and recreation needs
  • New facilities and amenities are needed for current residents and to attract new residents.

In the end, the Park System Master Plan is the foundation for future decision-making, program planning, budgeting and park system investments.

What's in the Plan?

Through the process outlined above, we learned a lot about what our parks have been, what they currently are, what we need them to be, and how to achieve the desired outcome. The Plan, which was adopted by the Bloomington City Council on August 30, 2021, includes four primary sections plus several appendices. Click below to view each one and learn more about the new Bloomington Park System Master Plan.

Park System Master Plan Approved!

The City of Bloomington initiated the process of developing a new Park System Master Plan in November 2019. With extensive and invaluable assistance from consultants, City staff and most importantly, the community, the plan is now complete. At its August 30, 2021 meeting, the Bloomington City Council formally adopted the Park System Master Plan.

The process was purposeful and robust, capturing the voices of Bloomington residents while completing several studies to understand how Bloomington can provide new park amenities and experiences. Natural resources, trails, new park amenities and equity are priority themes that will be addressed with the new Plan.

Community Input Doesn't End Here

Adoption of the plan doesn't mean community involvement and participation in park projects is now over. The Park System Master Plan is just that, a master plan. As new park projects are considered and individual park plans are developed, hearing from the community will be a necessity.

The Park System Master Plan, as adopted, provides us with a clear action plan and guidance for improvements to Bloomington's parks, trails, facilities, recreational programs and green spaces. And the continued involvement of the community ensures its successful implementation.

What is the Park System Master Plan?

The Park System Master Plan (PSMP) is a road map for planning and completing park improvements and guiding capital investments to ensure the park system serves the needs of the community today and in the future. The PSMP process incorporates:

  • Local and national park and recreation trends
  • Community demographics
  • Facility needs
  • Current and future programming needs
  • Maintenance
  • Long term sustainability
  • Equity and inclusion
  • Information gathered from the community

The extensive community engagement process between November 2019 and June 2021, which included a statistically valid survey, stakeholder interviews, listening sessions, conversations with residents and staff, and online interactive engagement via project bloom! and the City’s Let’s Talk Bloomington site, has shaped the final Plan. Through studies and analysis we learned the following:

  • Our parks are substantially similar
  • Our parks have outdated amenities
  • Our parks do not match current resident demographics and recreation needs
  • New facilities and amenities are needed for current residents and to attract new residents.

In the end, the Park System Master Plan is the foundation for future decision-making, program planning, budgeting and park system investments.

What's in the Plan?

Through the process outlined above, we learned a lot about what our parks have been, what they currently are, what we need them to be, and how to achieve the desired outcome. The Plan, which was adopted by the Bloomington City Council on August 30, 2021, includes four primary sections plus several appendices. Click below to view each one and learn more about the new Bloomington Park System Master Plan.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The comment period for this section closed on June 21. But you can still click below to open a PDF with details on the Park System Master Plan's Vision, Mission, Guiding Principles, the role of Parks and Recreation, demographic analysis and related planning efforts. The PDF can also be found in the Project Documents section on this page.

    When you're ready, click the button below to provide your comments on this section.

    Share Our City + Our Parks: Vision, Mission, Guiding Principles on Facebook Share Our City + Our Parks: Vision, Mission, Guiding Principles on Twitter Share Our City + Our Parks: Vision, Mission, Guiding Principles on Linkedin Email Our City + Our Parks: Vision, Mission, Guiding Principles link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The comment period for this section closed on June 21. But you can still click below to open a PDF with details on the history of Bloomington’s Park System, discussion of key park elements, recreation program assessment and facility maps. The PDF can also be found in the Project Documents section on this page.

    When you're ready, click the button below to provide your comments on this section.

    Share The Parks Bloomington Has: History, Needs on Facebook Share The Parks Bloomington Has: History, Needs on Twitter Share The Parks Bloomington Has: History, Needs on Linkedin Email The Parks Bloomington Has: History, Needs link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The comment period for this section closed on June 21. But you can still click below to open a PDF with details on community engagement including the statistically valid survey and project bloom!, the Recreation and Trends Analysis and priority park elements. The PDF can also be found in the Project Documents section on this page.

    When you're ready, click the button below to provide your comments on this section.

    Share The Parks Bloomington Needs: Engagement Summary, Local and Regional Trends on Facebook Share The Parks Bloomington Needs: Engagement Summary, Local and Regional Trends on Twitter Share The Parks Bloomington Needs: Engagement Summary, Local and Regional Trends on Linkedin Email The Parks Bloomington Needs: Engagement Summary, Local and Regional Trends link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The comment period for this section closed on June 21. But you can still click below to open a PDF with details on the capital improvement plan approach, park classifications and redevelopment, and an action plan. The PDF can also be found in the Project Documents section on this page.

    When you're ready, click the button below to provide your comments on this section.

    Share How We Get There: Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Approach, Action Plan on Facebook Share How We Get There: Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Approach, Action Plan on Twitter Share How We Get There: Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Approach, Action Plan on Linkedin Email How We Get There: Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Approach, Action Plan link
Page last updated: 06 Feb 2024, 08:43 AM