RS-1 Zoning District Study

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The Large Lot Single-Family Residential (RS-1) zoning district is intended to do the following:

  1. Provide locations for large lot single-family development in areas of steep slopes, significant vegetation, wetlands or in areas substantially developed as large lots in order to preserve the character of the area; and

  1. Protect natural resources and ensure compatible redevelopment through appropriate development standards.

There are currently 116 parcels in Bloomington zoned RS-1, the locations of which can be viewed on the City’s Official Zoning Map.

Staff has been directed by the City Council to examine development standards for lots zoned RS-1, as well as the district’s purpose statement, bulk standards, environmental standards, and allowed uses. This project follows up on the work done for recent amendments to the standards of R-1 lots, single-family structures, and two-family structures, adopted by City Council in May 2023. From this study, staff may prepare code amendments to the RS-1 zoning district based on guidance of the Planning Commission and City Council.

If interested, please visit the following city code sections to read the intent and existing standards applicable to the RS-1 District:

Four study sessions examining the RS-1 District have been held: the Planning Commission meeting on Thursday February 1, 2024, the City Council meeting on February 12, 2024, the City Council meeting on August 5, 2024, and the City Council meeting on October 28, 2024. All of the meeting documents can be downloaded from the portal project page. Following these discussion, staff has drafted an ordinance based on Planning Commission and City Council guidance. A public hearing is scheduled at the January 30, 2025 Planning Commission meeting to consider the ordinance. Following the Planning Commission review, a public hearing will be scheduled at the City Council for final action.

The Large Lot Single-Family Residential (RS-1) zoning district is intended to do the following:

  1. Provide locations for large lot single-family development in areas of steep slopes, significant vegetation, wetlands or in areas substantially developed as large lots in order to preserve the character of the area; and

  1. Protect natural resources and ensure compatible redevelopment through appropriate development standards.

There are currently 116 parcels in Bloomington zoned RS-1, the locations of which can be viewed on the City’s Official Zoning Map.

Staff has been directed by the City Council to examine development standards for lots zoned RS-1, as well as the district’s purpose statement, bulk standards, environmental standards, and allowed uses. This project follows up on the work done for recent amendments to the standards of R-1 lots, single-family structures, and two-family structures, adopted by City Council in May 2023. From this study, staff may prepare code amendments to the RS-1 zoning district based on guidance of the Planning Commission and City Council.

If interested, please visit the following city code sections to read the intent and existing standards applicable to the RS-1 District:

Four study sessions examining the RS-1 District have been held: the Planning Commission meeting on Thursday February 1, 2024, the City Council meeting on February 12, 2024, the City Council meeting on August 5, 2024, and the City Council meeting on October 28, 2024. All of the meeting documents can be downloaded from the portal project page. Following these discussion, staff has drafted an ordinance based on Planning Commission and City Council guidance. A public hearing is scheduled at the January 30, 2025 Planning Commission meeting to consider the ordinance. Following the Planning Commission review, a public hearing will be scheduled at the City Council for final action.

Questions & Comments

If you have questions or comments about the RS-1 Zoning District Study, please submit them here and staff will provide a response at our earliest convenience.

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Page last updated: 21 Jan 2025, 11:01 AM