How much capacity would be added to each of the areas identified as constrained?

    It is expected that all the combined Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects will add over 4 million gallons per day (MGD) in sanitary sewer flow capacity by 2040.

    How would a City SAC Fee apply to properties in a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District that already collect funds for infrastructure needs?

    Currently, the City SAC Fee is proposed to apply to all properties in Bloomington uniformly regardless of the presence of a TIF District or other mechanism.

    What is the stage of the CIP projects highlighted in the “Exhibit 1 – Improvements in CIP” image?

    The CIP projects shown in Exhibit 1 (below) have been identified as needed upgrades based on projected development/redevelopment. The projects highlighted in green have been completed. The remaining projects will require feasibility studies be completed prior to design and construction.

    How would a City SAC Fee apply to redevelopment? Would it be tacking onto Met Council or starting from scratch?

    The City SAC fee would apply to redevelopment similar to how the Met Council applies SAC Fees to redevelopment.