Why traffic circles?

    Traffic circle are a good tool to help assign right-of-way at uncontrolled intersections. They are also self enforcing and don't require the Police Department personnel to monitor drivers for them to be effective.  

    Why not stop signs?

    Stop signs must meet specific guidelines or "warrants" to be installed and effective. Within these guidelines an intersection may be a candidate for all-way stop, 2-way stop or uncontrolled.  Unwarranted stop signs have been shown to have negative safety impacts as they often result in low driver compliance.  

    A side effect of installing 2-way stop control at a neighborhood intersection can be an increase in vehicle speeds on the uncontrolled approaches of the intersection. 

    The addition of stop signs can also a added burden to the local Police Department. The police are often asked to enforce compliance at stop signs, which can pull limited resources from the higher volume and higher impact locations.  

    Traffic circles are self enforcing and do not contribute to increase speeds.

    As part of certain traffic circle device trials, 2-way stop control at the intersection may be considered or demonstrated through a follow-up device trial option.