Earned Sick and Safe Leave

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Consultation has concluded

Update:  The City Council unanimously approved an earned sick and safe leave ordinance for workers at Bloomington businesses at its meeting on June 13, 2022.  Find out more. 


The Bloomington City Council has appointed a task force to develop an ordinance requiring the provision of paid earned sick and safe leave to individuals working in the city of Bloomington.

The recommended ordinance is intended to promote and protect the wellbeing of the Bloomington workforce and Bloomington residents; support the Bloomington City Council’s strategic priority of equity and inclusion; and balance the unique needs and circumstances of Bloomington employers with a recognition that Bloomington is part of a regional labor and service market.

The task force has been charged with developing a draft ordinance reflecting the input of a diverse pool of stakeholders that is as clear, understandable and uncomplicated as possible for both employers and employees.

Once the Task Force has developed a draft ordinance, a final decision on the ordinance will rest with the City Council following a formal public hearing.

Update:  The City Council unanimously approved an earned sick and safe leave ordinance for workers at Bloomington businesses at its meeting on June 13, 2022.  Find out more. 


The Bloomington City Council has appointed a task force to develop an ordinance requiring the provision of paid earned sick and safe leave to individuals working in the city of Bloomington.

The recommended ordinance is intended to promote and protect the wellbeing of the Bloomington workforce and Bloomington residents; support the Bloomington City Council’s strategic priority of equity and inclusion; and balance the unique needs and circumstances of Bloomington employers with a recognition that Bloomington is part of a regional labor and service market.

The task force has been charged with developing a draft ordinance reflecting the input of a diverse pool of stakeholders that is as clear, understandable and uncomplicated as possible for both employers and employees.

Once the Task Force has developed a draft ordinance, a final decision on the ordinance will rest with the City Council following a formal public hearing.

Consultation has concluded

Leave us a question regarding the process or content for an earned sick and safe leave ordinance.  Staff will review questions and post responses on this forum within 2-3 business days.