Fire Station 4: Serving the Community

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Consultation has concluded

Changes are coming to Fire Station 4, at 4201 West 84th Street. This fire station has been serving the community for over 50 years and has reached the end of its useful life. The station lacks adequate space for equipment and doesn’t meet the health and safety needs of the firefighters.

What are some of the updates?

The new fire station will be a two-story structure with a partial basement totaling approximately 25,578 square feet. The current Station 4 is 4,429 square feet. The new building will include three bays, office space, a training room, living accommodations and firefighter’s health and safety resources.

When will the work begin?

This works begins with the design and construction documents being crafted through the summer with construction bids expected in the winter of 2021. Construction will begin in the spring of 2022 with the demolition of the current building. City staff is currently working on establishing a temporary facility to house Fire Department staff and equipment during the construction which is anticipated to be completed in the spring of 2023.

How will the public be involved?

Public engagement will be conducted throughout the construction process of this important public safety facility. Information will be available through the City's communication channels, such as City website, and social media, in addition to this digital platform.

Changes are coming to Fire Station 4, at 4201 West 84th Street. This fire station has been serving the community for over 50 years and has reached the end of its useful life. The station lacks adequate space for equipment and doesn’t meet the health and safety needs of the firefighters.

What are some of the updates?

The new fire station will be a two-story structure with a partial basement totaling approximately 25,578 square feet. The current Station 4 is 4,429 square feet. The new building will include three bays, office space, a training room, living accommodations and firefighter’s health and safety resources.

When will the work begin?

This works begins with the design and construction documents being crafted through the summer with construction bids expected in the winter of 2021. Construction will begin in the spring of 2022 with the demolition of the current building. City staff is currently working on establishing a temporary facility to house Fire Department staff and equipment during the construction which is anticipated to be completed in the spring of 2023.

How will the public be involved?

Public engagement will be conducted throughout the construction process of this important public safety facility. Information will be available through the City's communication channels, such as City website, and social media, in addition to this digital platform.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

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    Consultation has concluded
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