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HRA Customer Experience Survey

This survey is anonymous. You do not need to be a registered user of Let's Talk Bloomington to participate.  If you complete the survey as a registered user, your responses will not be anonymous. Please be advised that if you are a registered user of Let's Talk Bloomington (i.e. you have created an account in the past), you may need to log off on your device to ensure that your responses will be anonymous.

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HRA Customer Experience Survey

This survey is anonymous. You do not need to be a registered user of Let's Talk Bloomington to participate. If you complete the survey as a registered user, your responses will not be anonymous. Please be advised that if you are a registered user of Let's Talk Bloomington (i.e. you have created an account in the past), you may need to log off on your device to ensure that your responses will be anonymous.


Rate your overall experience with the HRA from 1 to 5.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?


Information provided by Bloomington HRA is accessible, timely and relevant.


The Bloomington HRA feels welcoming and accepting towards people of diverse backgrounds and abilities. 


It is easy to access Bloomington HRA office.


What barriers, if any, make it hard for you to come to the Bloomington HRA office in person? (check all that apply and add others) 

How was your experience with the following on a scale from 1 to 5?


Someone available to take your call


Someone available to greet you in person


Someone responds quickly to your request


Communications are professional and courteous


Resolves my concerns or issues in a timely manner


What Bloomington HRA program do you or have you participated in?

* required